Public Holiday Hari Raya Eid Mubarak 2019

A smile to start the day, a prayer to bless your way, a dzikir to lighten the moment. Hope your Ramadan was successful in building the character of true Muslims. As the Idul Fitri comes, I would offer my apology for any mistakes I made in the past. Let's purify our heart.
During the National Holiday, our office will be closed from: May 30th until June 9th and will be actively OPEN on: June 10th 2019.
Dear all customers, Memberitahukan sehubungan dengan libur Hari Raya Idul Fitri, maka PT. Locomotif Eka Sakti libur dari tanggal 30 Mei - 9 Juni 2019, masuk kembali tanggal 10 Juni 2019.
Segenap karyawan, dan direksi PT. Locomotif Eka Sakti mengucapkan
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin.
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